From November 1st 2019 to January 13th 2020 I travelled thru 17 states, shook hundreds of hands while doing my typical job as National Sales Manager of an LED Emergency Lighting company manufacturing a system I conceived.
January 13th, I had my 1st cough, in Orlando FL., the next day in Tampa it got worse, by the morning of Wednesday the 15th I called the other offices I was scheduled to meet that week, cancelled my appointments and drove 13 hours home to Memphis. I've had coughs before, but never one like this. It was dry, not much phlegm but 1st time I ever coughed so hard and so much I had blood splatters in my Kleenex. I hit my body with 200 mg zinc doses along with 5000ppm colloidal silver and vitamin C.
By Sunday the 19th I was 100% free of any cough and was back on the road in route to CT.
This was never more than a bad cold, a cough they morphed into what ever illness arose expanding supposed symptoms to fit the need for fear.

By October 2020 the world was spinning out of control with the fake COVID narrative continuing to grow to usher in the tyrannical government lockdowns and create the need for "VAXXINES".
For me, October 2020 the company I worked for then created it's own little NAZI SS by having 2 newly hired girls to monitor my social media pages, screen shot posts and comments, then email me those threatening my contract. I have never worked under tyranny and never will. After both sides talking with lawyers, we did come to an amount that would keep me from suing them for this and other unethical and illegal acts, I left the company 12-21-20.
My 45 year career in the lighting industry, my 6-figure income gone, I sacrificed everything to restore the republic and end the evil.
Since that day I have been ANON, fighting for truth. After 01-06-2021 I realized the 2020 election was not going to be easily set right. I STARTED MY JOURNEY.
Once they held the inauguration 01-20-2020 I knew I had a fight on my hands, but how to get my message out? It's like our government looked me right in the eye and said, " WE LET YOU VOTE NOW SHUT UP AND DO AS YOU ARE TOLD.
Both WREG3 and FOX13 immediately called me racist, knocked on my neighbors' doors and prompted them to be racist, which those that knew me set them straight, but a few did have no problem calling me racist for pointing our corrupt governemnt.
December 2020, I watched on TV as Tiffany Dover in Chattanooga TN took the first dose, fainted on screen, then died later, (which was never reported on MSM).
I continued to follow the progression of the VAXX protocols, and saw the truth, as this was a murder shot, the wealthiest in the world with the full backing of the governments, militaries and central banks, this was the beginning of operation depopulation.
By February I was full on "ANON"! Searching, researching, sharing, questioning, online, then began using the tools at hand, my property, my cars etc. to not only fight online to awaken the masses, but in my community, my neighborhood.
First the "FREEDOM FENCE" was created, it started with 1 simple message 02-28-21, "FAKE VACCINE PEOPLE DYING" not only months before most others, but our government and medical industry still refuse to acknowledge.
As the year progressed so did the freedom fence, with messages like "BUSH DID 911" to "HOLLYWOOD PEDOPHILES- ADRENOCHROME", NO MORE FLUORIDE, GRAPHENE OXIDE KILLS, "IT'S NOT A VACCINE" warnings for people to go home and research, as well as directions, adding my news and documentary sources like Infowars, Stew Peters, Glenn Beck, FALL OF THE CABAL, so many great sources.
I get between 5 and 8000 cars per week passing by to see the messages each week.
I also started my retail parking lot campaign, see videos in the side columns, I set up a load speaker on my car driving thru Kroger, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes etc. parking lots, warning my community about OPERATION DEPOPULATION.
As many of you I have known for some time about the horrible chemicals the put in our air with CHEM TRAILS, and of course the horrible CIA operation of FLUORIDE in our water, all pointed out on the "FREEDOM FENCE" But 2021 brings a whole new level of poisoning America, see the video on the side, I visited various grocery stores testing the meats for magnetism. See video on the side, both Walmat and Kroger the chicken breasts WERE MAGNETIC!!!
The summer of 2021 I took on a restoration project, a 1986 C10 Chevy short bed p/u owned by a 63 year old gentleman by the name of Barry Bayers. We became friends as the restoration proceeded. Sept. I got a call from Barry afraid and told to be COVID positive.
3 days later he called and told me he was in the hospital, I asked him what they were treating him with, and it was Remdesivir, I told him that was not good, he asked me to call his wife. I called her and recommended she get an attorney and get him out f the hospital ASAP.
The next day his son called me and said they moved him to the ICU and put him on the vent, the next day he died, THEY KILLED MY FRIEND.
January 2022 I shook hands with a fully vaxxed neighbor, the next day I had lower back pain, the day after that a cough, and the 3rd day a rash on my chest. I took massive amounts of zinc, VC, V d3, turmeric, 2 2000# horse doses of the paste, and 2 regiments f Fenbendazoles. It took 2 weeks to get back to normal, NO MORE HAND SHAKES N THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL.
December 2021 I launched my Strauss For House Campaign. IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT ME! I am calling for ANONS across America to take this fight further, once we announce NESARA our true job begins.
I am calling on all "ANONS" to continue this fight with me and run for "FEDERAL" offices, CONGRESS , SENATE , AND anyone dumb enough to run against TRUMP - PRESIDENT.
Remember, NESARA has nothing to do with city, county state offices. Not sure how those will be re-staffed.
So for now, let's populate the Congress and Senate with American Patriots. WE CAN NOT AFTER ALL WE'VE GONE THRU REALLY EXPECT TO RE-ELCT THESE CRIMINALS IN OUR NEW REPUBLIC.
Again, Mark see's the truth and shares it.
04-10-2021 VIDEO
Mark warns people of the Memphis metro on "OPERATION DEPOPULATION"
06-19-2021 VIDEO:
Mark testing the food supply, warning his neighbors
Hello ANON's , join me in this fight, Let's connect.