Like my mother did for me, I fed, bathed, wiped her bottom and tucked her in every night the last 18 months f her life.
2018 I moved from Bettendorf Iowa to the Memphis Metro, and now call Olive Branch home.
I brought my older brother Joel with me, as I have cared for Joel since my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2003. 2005 My mother than came to live with me, I cared for her in my home until she passed in 2008. I remember as a child, my fathers mother coming t live with us, unfortunately mom could not care for 6 children as well as an Alzheimer's patient, it broke my fathers heart to put her in a eldercare facility, I wanted to make sure that never happened to mom.
Like many of us, I followed the footsteps of my father into the lighting industry where I stayed 45 years and enjoyed a wonderful career.
By 2006 I had started fighting back as our government no longer worked for Americans, 2018 I did a trial run for congress in Iowa, then like now I did not accept donations, in fact spent $27,000.00 of my own money to learn how elections work, and find out who to avoid, like political consulting groups.
2007 Joel my mother and I were featured on the democrat presidential debate, as we were asking our leaders plans for Alzheimer's treatments.
Now 2021 it's not a trial run, I am in full campaign mode, I will give all my time and money to get my ideas to the US capitol. And once in Congress, I will run for speaker, we need to end the strangle hold major party Politicians have on America.
Mark Loves Classic Muscle
2020 many changes began around the world. I spent 45 years in the lighting industry, by December 2020 I knew the world had lost it's mind, so I decided to ride it out on my ranch.
I left the work force as my position required 75-100,000 miles per year travel. I had refused to fly that year due to TSA Tyranny in the airport terminals, and the crew on the plane HAD TO MUCH AUTHORITY. I left the workforce and built a 25'x40' metal building on my ranch and proceeded to build 60's-70's classic muscle cars.
My 1st build, a 1969 440 6 pack Plymouth Roadrunner I named the BURNINBIRD. It sold @ a Mecum Auction in October.
I currently have 3 other projects underway.
1980 (Engine ???)4spd Whale Tail Camaro,
1971 454 SS Chevelle
Mark goes thru the build.
Mark calls out our military protecting the opium trade.
CNN makes commercial out of my video,
Mark was flown to and featured on the Republican Debates

2007 I was flown to and featured on the Republican Presidential debates. I was set to ask a question to Mitt Romney, (whom I had thrown off my property in 2006) but CNN got cold feet and instead I asked a question of Ron Paul.